Notes on the password handling for TOSHIBA 32-bit microcontroller on SPRINT Applicable for: - TMP94FD53F - TMP92FD54IF (not AIF!) The content of the TMP94FD53F microntroller is protected by a password. The password storage area is FE2000 - FFDFFF, considering the single chip memory map. This area corresponds to the Sprint memory range of 62000 - 7DFFF. Any successive bytes within this area can be considered as password. The user must define the Password Count Storage Address within this area. The content of this address is the password count (1 byte). The password count is not allowed to be less than 8. The user must also define the Password Comparison Start Address. The passwords are compared beginning with this address. To read (or verify) the content of a programmed TMP94FD53F - set the Password Count Storage Address (SFM) - set the Password Comparison Start Address (SFM) - fill the appropriate addresses with the correct count and password, respectively (EDITOR)